So I completely blew off doing a 3 month post for Isaiah. He turned 3 months old on December 13, right in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. He developed SO much during his 3rd month of life! Below are some pictures to tell the story...
Cutest little troll ever! |
Isaiah got to meet our dear friends who we met in Pasadena while Andrew was in Seminary. Ms. Sophia loved little Isaiah! It's a good thing because her and her little sister Maddie are about to have a baby brother in a couple weeks :) We love that Josh, Lauren and their sweet kids live in Nashville and have family in Atlanta! Andrew and I went and visited Lauren in the hospital when she had Sophia and now she's holding my baby. Crazy!
Andrew's brother Timothy came for Thanksgiving! It was so fun to have him and watch him spend time with little Isaiah. We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving as a family of 3!!
Uncle Timo helped us pick out Isaiah's first Christmas tree! |
I love my Sophie teether! |
Little Isaiah Facts at 3 months old:
Eating: He LOVES to eat (well, drink really) and he takes in about 8 oz 5 times a day!
Activity: Loves laying on his play gym and looking at the little animals above him!
Big happening in his 3rd month: He rolled over from his back to his stomach once! The consistent rolling didn't start until 3.5 months old
Sleeping: We lucked out big time in this department! He sleeps 10 hours a night and takes three 2-3 hour naps a day.
His big discovery this month: He found his feet and loves to grab them whenever I'm changing his diaper. He also LOVES to suck his thumb. Apparently the pacifier doesn't hold a candle to his thumb.
Four Months...
This happened really fast! The holidays hit, my parents arrived, and all of a sudden we had a 4 month old in our midst! Andrew and I both loved this age. He was, over all, just a really happy baby! And this was a really big month for us because it included his first Christmas! We were all getting really excited as Christmas approached because my parents and little brother were coming to Atlanta. I plan to do a Christmas recap as soon as I put more photos on my computer. Here are lots of pictures showcasing his 4th month!
He's such a happy little guy!
He loves his mittens that Gramma and Grandpa sent him! He leaves them on and they really keep his hands warm.
Gramma and Grandpa
Dressed up for Christmas brunch at Ms Laura and Mr Kevin's
Clearly he's so excited about taking our family Christmas picture!
Cousin Mia with baby Isaiah! She loves him :)
Wearing his new pjs from Uncle Demian and Aunt Bridget.
He is so squishy and I can't get enough of his mini rolls. I don't have a full body shot of his Christmas pjs, but I thought they were so cute! I realized three days before Christmas that I didn't have any pj's for Christmas morning. Thanks to Amazon Prime they arrived just on time. They would be perfect for a girl too. So I'll just tuck those away for a later date ;)
My favorites on my bday :) At Octane in Grant Park
Hated saying good bye to this one
Daddy's boy
This kid loves to talk! Check out this picture. He wouldn't stop talking to smile for a second!
The Bumbo is being used lots now. His neck strength really increased this past month,
Little Isaiah Facts at 4 months old:
Eating: Still loves to eat!
Sleeping: Isaiah is officially a stomach sleeper. He still sleeping through the night, about 11 hours per night and three 2-3 hour naps per day!
Height: 26.3in (up 5.3 inches since birth) 90%
Weight: 14lbs 13 oz (up exactly 7lbs since birth) 48%
Diapers: He is in cloth diapers full time, finally! He looks so cute in them and we have a wide variety of colors!
at his 4 month check up |
Activities: He still loves his play-gym. Looking at all the animals and trying to put them in his mouth is so exciting to him. He is also rolling over a ton now.
The laugh: he loves to laugh and it's the cutest sound ever. He's ticklish so it's fun to tickle his neck and hear his giggle.
Over all he is such a happy and easy baby. We couldn't feel more joy to be his parents!